great sound
It is very "evil" sounding. i dont know if this is what u were going for but it sounds like it could be an epic boss battle in a video game. anyways very gj bro.
stay brutal \m/
great sound
It is very "evil" sounding. i dont know if this is what u were going for but it sounds like it could be an epic boss battle in a video game. anyways very gj bro.
stay brutal \m/
ty very much! yeah those imperfect fifths often give songs a nice evil vibe, glad you liked it!
i hate punk so i will give you a 10 and a 5... enjoy them, love them, and nerish them as if they were your own. lol good song bro
haha alright :) thanks
review and a question pt. 1
1. awesome song as always. i love ur style.
2. it seems all your song titles have a religious theme to them. is that for a reason and if so explain your reasons and if there is... the story behind it.
stay brutal!
I really was trying to aim the story's of most of my songs to have a spacey futuristic post-apocalyptic theme to them. Dealing with war, the trauma of ones mind from the noir, I've got about 10 albums in the works at the same time that all have this continuing story about the transition of a post armageddon. Thanks for listening and soon i'll have my albums up somewhere...
another crappy review :)
this song was terrirble. 10/10 5/5
to bad we never got to finish that collab lol. btw i was joking if you didnt already get that lol. gj
stay brutal!
Thanks a lot man :)
Yeah too bad :( But I couldn't finish the background stuff anyway: I had to change my tuning (drop C to Drop D) and as I've got a floyd, I just can't keep switching tunings (the last time I did that, I broke my E string in 2 weeks :s)!!
But anyway, I hope we'll meet again on something steadier :p
And btw, your solo was AWESOME!!! :)
Thanks a lot for the review man ^^
this is very good. awesome riffage bro! you were right though this one did slip under the radar. it happens to alot of songs.
fuckin brutal!!
tuesdays do suck!
Indeed, motherfucker!
This is a really awesome version!!! fuckin gj guys.
i like your version!
sweet now check out the ultra awesome version here n/128577
fuckin a bro
you are awesome for this cover! this sounds amazing. me and you should do a project together some day.
Life is fucking metal!
Age 37, Male
Criminal Justice
University of Pittsburgh
pittsburgh, PA
Joined on 7/9/04